Monday, January 04, 2010

The show that Just! Won't! End!

I have been watching The Bachelor since Season 3 in 2002. Actually, it was The Bachelorette, the first one with Trista (Rehn) Sutter and Fireman Ryan. Josh and I got hooked, and continued to watch, despite the downhill slide over the years. I watched the boring Italian (but really American who didn’t even speak Italian) “Prince,” Brad who chose no one, and that guy who ended up dating Marla Maples. The last few haven’t been too bad (Melissa! No, Molly! I mean it this time!), but I am not looking forward to watching Jake the pilot, who looks and acts like a real live Ken Doll and whines, “Everyone thinks I’m too perfect. . .”

This is a terrible show, and I know it, but I can’t stop getting a Tivo season pass each year and clipping much better programming. I just keep sticking it out until cancellation. It’s kind of like that guy you date, and you want to break up, but then it’s his birthday. And then the holidays come up, so you stay, telling yourself, “I’ll do it by New Year’s, I promise!” And then his dog dies. And then his mom gets sick, so you stay to support him through that terrible time. And then he gets terminal cancer, and how can you break his heart? You’ll just stick it out until the end, right? But after a long, long, long battle, he miraculously goes into remission, and by that time you are married and schtupping the pool boy, but still don’t have the heart to get a divorce because because of the kids.

Yeah, it’s kind of like that.

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