Monday, January 18, 2010

37 Week Checkup Stats

BP: 99/77
Fundal Height: 40 cm
Weight: +1 lb
Cervix: No change
Other: Strep B was negative

Looks like Keiki really jumped in size this week, but I had the backup OB, who noted that measurements can depend from caregiver to caregiver, so we’ll see. No major changes, BP still looking good, no swelling yet. I’m tired, but I also have a cold (got the go ahead for Benadryl, thank God!)

On Wednesday, I’ll be full term, and I can’t wait. Unfortunately we are having major rain this week, so potentially no Stroller Strides, which I was kind of hoping would help put me into labor. I also read Your Best Birth this weekend. I’ve been procrastinating on reading it because I’ve been afraid that it would make me feel more pressure to pursue VBAC, but I think they did a very good job of advocating the concept that your best birth is one in which you are making informed decisions and doing what is best for you.

I was pretty impressed with the OB today. I go to a all-female practice with three doctors, and they make sure you get to meet everyone before your delivery just in case your usual OB is not there. I've met the third doctor, but this one is new, replacing the OB who happened to back up my OB when Jacob was born and when I hemorraghed six weeks postpartum.  My OB was there for the birth, but out of town during my uterine infection and the six week disaster, so I was grateful that I knew and liked the backup.
I must be a cheap date because she had me at hello. Since today was a holiday, both my fellas came with, and her opening comment was, "Is this the little guy that was 9 lbs, 14 oz?" At the end, she asked twice if we had additional questions. These two gestures may not seem like much, but as a patient, it's the little things that earn my trust. When I read about OB experiences where the doctor has a one eye on the clock, I'm grateful for my OB practice and that this woman took some time to learn about me and my past experience, and wasn't running out of there once she got a feel of the ole cervix.

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