Monday, January 11, 2010

36 Week Checkup

BP: 103/86
Fundal Height: 37 cm
Weight: +1.5
Cervix: 30% effaced; closed

What this all means: Things are looking very good. In terms of belly size, growth has slowed down to the point where I don’t really need a last ultrasound to determine the size, but I’m still going to have one to help me make the VBAC/C-Section determination in a few weeks. While I’ve agreed to schedule a C-Section if we are looking at another 9 pounder, I still have a resistance to that idea, despite the fact that it may be in my best interest. Clearly there’s some more work to do, so stay tuned for more birth stories (sorry fellas!)

The cervix stuff up there means that my cervix is starting to thin out, but still closed. This is okay given that I’m not at 36 weeks, but good news that things are starting to happen down below. We still want to keep this kiddo in the hot tub for at least another 9 days, but then all bets are off!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Some exciting stuff :)
    Can't wait to see whats going on next week!
