Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monkey Mama

I’m so glad that I wrote that lovey dovey post yesterday, because today was not so good. Jacob woke up a hungry little fusspot. And when I’m on my game, I have lots of patience to get my little hungry fusspot fed so that my shiny happy toddler returns. But Internet, I was NOT on my game today. I’ve been spending a lot of time with Jacob to give Josh some grading time, and our outings have left me overtired and under-patient. Listen, you try explaining to a 2 year old that you can’t pick him up because of your big ole belly and you’ll see what I mean.

Anyhoo. Jacob refused all offers of food and only wanted to play with Play-Doh. And I know that he’ll be MUCH happier if he can eat something, but he’s too hungry and cranky to eat, but I can’t let it go. So I refuse the Play-Doh and it’s meltdown city. Why am I entering into a battle of wills with a two year old? Because I’m a tired, very pregnant 34 year old who also needs a nap. I can even see this happening and comment on it in my head, but I can’t change gears.
Finally he has some yogurt probiotic drink and starts to perk up, until I offer some cereal (he said YES!) but after I give it to him, he begins meltdown #2. And so I call for backup and make Daddy come and peel some clementines because “I am at the end of my rope.” Meaning that while I’m confident that I am a good enough mother to not do this, there is a part of me that isn’t sure that I might just pelt my kid with clementine sections, all for acting like a two year old, GOD FORBID. Lucky for me, the clementines returned Jacob to a normal enough state that he could handle a slice of toast, and I was able to make some barnyard pals out of Play Doh, and balance was restored.

This is the dark side of parenting, the embarrassing moments when your kid is driving you nuts, but really you are just in need of a time out. This is why I like writing. The good, the bad, it keeps me aware and humble. It also reminds me that the bad is like a storm and will always pass.

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