Monday, November 30, 2009

30 Week Checkup: Heh heh, I said “fundal”

From now to the end, I’ll be posting some of my medical stats for my doctor visits. This is the type of information which will help me make the best decision about this birth (fully knowing that the final decision may be Keiki’s and not mine!), and maybe it will be helpful to some other women who are out there working on the same decision that I am.

Blood Pressure: 120/76
Fundal height: 33 cm
Weight: Wouldn’t you like to know?! Actually, no change from two weeks ago

The blood pressure is staying in the healthy range, and since high blood pressure is one of my C-Section predictors, it is helpful to know that my choice remains open.

The fundal height is basically the length of the uterus and gives us an idea of how big the baby is. So for today, Keiki is measuring at 33cm (length in cm should correlate to the number of weeks preggo), which is on the bigger end of things. This means that I’ll need an ultrasound in 6 weeks to measure the head and weight.

At 36 weeks with Jacob, his head was measuring 39 weeks and his weight was approximately 7 lbs, 4 oz., about the size of a healthy newborn. This is important information for me because if Keiki is the same size, than my VBAC viability goes down because right now I’m feeling pretty conservative and don’t want to risk having a similar birth experience that I had with Jacob.

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