Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving! I am heading up to Josh’s brother’s home with Brussels sprouts, pecan pie and pumpkin muffins. Since my sister-in-law was in my shoes last year, she’s giving me a break this year on cooking and hostessing duties.

I have a lot to be grateful for. I have a sweetie-pie husband and a healthy, adorable 2 year old. I’m carrying a healthy baby, I can still lift my son and run after him, and I haven’t gotten any additional stretch marks (knocking wood as I type). I have a roof over my head. I have a job. I know where my next meal is coming from. Oh sure, I’ve got issues and problems; who doesn’t? But right now, I am grateful and happy with what I have.

We just got back from church (Stroller Strides), and soon the the eating will commence! The sad but good thing is that since I have a butternut squash in my belly already, there's not much room for food. This means that Thanksgiving will require a certain amount of strategery on my part to ensure that I have room for pecan pie, so I'll be project managing the crap out of this afternoon's eating. Hope you enjoy your holiday!

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