Monday, November 09, 2009

Surf's Up!

Whooo boy, are we in trouble.

On Monday morning before they left for the day, Josh was getting ready and Jacob was banging away on the laptop.

Our computer was up and downloading the season finale of Mad Men (have you seen it? A.Maz.Ing.) and Josh hears Jacob call out, "Dosh, Surf's Up!" Although the way Jacob says it comes out like, "Suhhff's Up. " Turns out I gave birth to Tony Soprano.


So Jacob figured out how to get Surf's Up to start playing on the computer. Did he do it on purpose? Was it a fluke? Was it live, or Memorex?

Jacob needs to slow down on this whole learning how to do things stuff; we are so not prepared. Is there an equivalent of a plastic outlet cover for computers?

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