Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sex? Or no Sex?

It’s almost here, the 20 WEEK ULTRASOUND. This is the big one, when you get a real good look at your kid, and can find out the sex (What did you think the title meant? Dirty birdie. . .). I keep saying that I don’t want to know this time, but I am very bad with anticipation, so we’ll see. I really don’t care about the sex, either one will suit our family just fine. The not-knowing is just one more thing to savor for (most likely) my last pregnancy.

This is very different from how I felt with Jacob. I wanted to know everything, probably thinking that knowledge provides control. The craziness of his birth and the next 6 weeks (that's another post) pretty much broke me of that thinking, so this time around I’m a bit calmer. All I need to do is get through about 20 min tomorrow and I should be okay, but let me tell you, that Monkey Brain of mine is pretty unpredictable, so I may cave. Luckily, Josh will be there and can be the rational one.

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