Monday, September 14, 2009

A Perfect Sunday

I met our friends for brunch while Jacob napped and Josh watched the Vikings (Bret Farve!!). This meant I could actually eat and converse instead of the usual tag-team wrangling that Josh and I do these days when we go out.

After brunch, the husbands and kids went back to our house while my friends S, L &I got pedicures. We had a nice relaxing time catching up and getting rubbed, buffed and polished to perfection. Seriously, I can’t stop staring at my toes; I almost walked into a post this morning!

I’ve been friends with these ladies since college, almost 15 years! It was a nourishing time, spent with friends who know my history, and vice versa, so little explanation is needed. It reminds me that I need to work more of that into our lives somehow. Many of my close friends are on the East Coast, and while I don’t want to move across the country, I can get a little starved for this kind of camaraderie without even realizing it.

After the pampering was complete, we returned home and watched the kids wrestle on the bed, run around, joyfully livening up our house. We ended the play date with some “Jamba Juice”: banana-frozen blueberry-rice milk smoothies for all (God bless the Magic Bullet!). Suddenly the noise stopped due to the “Jamba Train”: the three tots silently filed out of the kitchen to find a spot to sip their special treats.

I loved watching the kids play together. They’ve been around each other, and are similar ages (H is almost 4, M just turned 2, and Jacob will be 2 in October), but this was the most they’ve interacted, and it was fun to see. It makes me even more excited for Keiki’s arrival, and hopeful that Jacob and his sibling will get along, and in a couple of years they will be wrestling on the bed and forming their own Jamba Train.

We ended the day with Jacob/Mama time while Josh went to work for a few hours: Sesame Street, Jack Hanna's Wild Kingdom, banging pots in the kitchen, a bath, and a few readings of Scooby Doo. I made a Rachel Ray pasta dish with the last of our neighbor's tomatoes that Josh and I ate in front of the tv and went to bed early. The dishes were done, the house was relatively clean, and I didn't think about work one bit.

All in all, a loverly day.

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