Wednesday, September 30, 2009

21 Weeks: To sleep, perchance to. . .sleep?

Our little carrot is wreaking some big time havoc on my circadian rhythms. I’ve heard tell that the sleep interruptions that one experiences during pregnancy are Nature’s way of preparing you for the interruptions of a hungry, wet or cold newborn. That Nature, what a bitch! Shouldn’t we be stocking up on sleep?

Here is a sample of my nighttime routine as of late:
9:30-10 pm: get in bed curled around my trusty Snoogle, on one side or the other.
10:30 pm: Hopefully fall asleep
1:17 am: wake up, pee, return to bed, change sides
2:33 am: startle awake from pregnancy dream #3 (last night's was about hemorrhaging blood clots and IV bags, wtf?!), change sides
3:47 am: wake up once again, switch sides. Start to feel like a rotisserie chicken.
5:27 am: Cell phone alarm vibrates; hit 5 min snooze several times
5:45 am: Josh gets our 2 year old human alarm clock and plops him on our bed. After some hugs and pretending to sleep for 15.2 seconds, Jacob decides it is time for me to start my day: “Mama? Light on?”

With the exception of the human alarm clock, this situation is so not cool. This also may explain why at least once a week I come home and immediately pass out at 6 pm.

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