Wednesday, February 03, 2010

39 Weeks: I carried a WATERMELON?!

Actually, according to, Keiki is the size of a mini watermelon, but from my vantage point, that seems like an oxymoron to me.

For those of you ladies who live under a rock and have never seen Dirty Dancing, the above will mean nothing to you, so let me catch you up:

When Baby (Jennifer Grey) first meets Johnny (Patrick Swayze), she has paid her way into a staff party by helping out Johnny’s cousin Billy carry watermelons. When Johnny angrily says, “What’s she doing here?” Baby replies, “I carried a watermelon.” As the scene cuts away, she turns her head to the side and hisses under her breath, “I carried a WATERMELON?”

Any of you who have said something utterly stupid in the presence of an intimidatingly beautiful person has had this moment; one of the silver screen’s finest. This became shorthand among my college friends; at one point there was a boy crush who was only referred to as “Watermelon” because of my friend’s awkwardness in every encounter with him. There may have even been discussions of multiple watermelons spilling out of arms and rolling down Dunster Street.

In addition to the watermelon floating in my belly this week, I carry invisible watermelons on a daily basis. What is Monkey Brain, if not carrying watermelons everywhere? This has only gotten worse with motherhood, and next week’s addition will surely make things worse. A couple of months ago, I ask Josh to turn of the pillow when he got into bed. Oh sure, pillow, light? Exactly the same. Thank goodness for wedding vows, which should really include the following: “I will love you no matter how many watermelons you carry, and will even help you pick up the dropped ones.”

Keiki, where are you? Let the mommybrain commence (or let’s face it, just get worse)!

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