Tuesday, February 02, 2010

28 Months: Jacob

Dear Jacob,

Happy 28th month birthday! You are such a fun little guy. We’ve been doing a lot of activities lately, and I have so much fun making puzzles, legos or racetrack with you, especially since we just got a new activity table from Melissa & Doug (thanks Jojo!). Seriously, kid, I’m having so much fun I don’t even get mad at Daddy when he disappears to the Internet while we play.

Soooo, very soon, you will be a big brother. Holy moly, I know that’s big news. I also know that you probably have NO idea about what’s coming your way. I mean, you are so good with babies, but when we bring the baby home from the hospital, he or she is going to stay with us. Forever. So you are stuck with each other, and man, that is a good thing. You are going to need someone to complain about your annoying parents. Someday I hope you will thank me for making you share your crib, your room, and our hearts.

Speaking of the hospital, there’s going to be a few days where you won’t see us, and we’ll come home with a baby, but don’t blame the baby, okay? You are going to have a really great time with A&P, and hopefully they can bring you to the hospital to see Daddy every day for a little bit, okay? It will be like that time when you stayed with your aunt, uncle, and baby cousin and got to play in that fun place with the ball pit. Wasn’t that fun? Yes, this will be just like that.

My only complaint? This power struggle with food. I know it’s not about the food, but I’m getting to my wit’s end over here. I mean, some days you gobble up salad, but most days you will only eat yogurt and toast with butter. And yet. I hear that at daycare you will eat noodles, or chicken nuggets, tacos (none of which you eat at home, btw). What’s the deal? I’m starting to look like a chump with the lunches that I pack, the items that you eat at home but not at daycare. I mean, is macaroni & cheese really “gwoss”? Don’t you think you should taste it first? My hope is that this is a developmental storm that we’ll get through, but I’m chronicling it here and now for when you have your own picky eater someday. Karma's a bear my love, Karma's a bear.



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