Friday, February 12, 2010

The Brothers Henig

When I was brought home from the hospital, my big brother D, who was three at the time, was allowed to hold me somewhat unsupervised. As the story goes, he decided he was done holding me, let go, and I plopped onto the floor. Then he asked when they were taking me back to the hospital.

When we placed Cody in Jacob's lap today, I was careful to keep my hands on both kids at all time, but I didn't have much to fear. Jacob was so gentle, and he kept kissing Cody: "Kiss eyes. Kiss ears. Kiss nose." He also kept saying, "I love Cody" over and over again. What's that pool of liquid over there? Oh right, it's my heart.

With all the good news, I know that this is also a complicated time for Jacob, and I want to be mindful of that. Later in the afternoon, we watched a Netflix together,  Rugrats: The Movie. What neither Josh nor I realized is that this movie is about a little boy who gets a baby brother who cries all the time and the parents ignore the older brother. Well, maybe the movie is about more than that, but that's about as far as we got before Jacob turned to me with his eyes full of tears and said, "Watch Madagascar?" What's that cracking sound? Oh right, it's my heart.

1 comment:

  1. tears tears. so sweet. i'm so happy for you! and am waiting with great anticipation to hear the birth story!!
