Friday, February 12, 2010

My Baby Ate My Homework

Dear Internet and Readers,

I know I've been remiss in blogging!. However, I have the BEST excuse in the world, I promise. Are you ready? Wait for it. . . .

I had a baby! And I've been in the hospital for most of this week, my phone is not smart, not SMART at ALL, so I here I am a few days late in updates.

There is so much to write about, so I'll just give you some highlights:

Cody James Henig was born at 5:27 pm on Monday, February 8. Of course a birth story will be forthcoming, but the answer to the VBAC/C-Section debate is both. My labor stalled so we went to C-Section, and thank goodness gracious, because he came out sunny side up (best to have baby facing your back) with the cord wrapped twice around his neck, and with the exception of a small trench in his head made my my pelvic born, he is as beautiful and healthy as can be. I have no regrets about my experience, and the C/S was SOO much better this time, so much so that it warrants a whole post.

Jacob is getting more intrigued by his brother, as if we brought a little puppy home. He likes to stroke his cheek and try to give him his pacifier, and then my heart melts like a snow cone in Hawaii. It should be an interesting few months to say the least.

My recovery is going well. It kind of feels like my organs have been rearranged and are still loose in my body, and the incision pain is a BITCH without medication, but I am worlds apart from where I was 5 days postpartum with Jacob. I'm sleep-deprived and achy boobed and tired, but I am also bursting with a happiness that I'm trying to savor and suck on while it lasts, instead of thinking that this must be some sort of post-partum psychosis and denial of the chaotic truth of my new life. I mean, I have showered once since Sunday, my house looks like a tornado hit it, but I don't care because Cody's little face is begging for a kiss and I have to hold myself back from just nibbling his ear off.


Monkey Brain

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