Monday, February 15, 2010

"Either my water broke or I peed the bed" (Cody's Birth Story, Part I)

Like so many, Cody’s birth story began in the middle of the night. One week ago, I woke up in a pool of wetness, put on my glasses on and noted the time. It was 12:50 am, and the wild rumpus of labor was just beginning.

When I was in labor with Jacob, my OB broke my bag after my epidural, so I had no reference point for what was happening. I laid there for a few minutes, feeling the liquid, and there was a lot. Finally I roused Josh: “Honey? Either my water broke, or I majorly peed the bed.”

I went into the bathroom and Josh went on the Internet. Based on his research, we were pretty sure that it was amniotic fluid, I felt a little better, because with liquid coursing down my legs, the only other option that I had lost all bladder control.


We called Dr B’s answering service and set about getting ready to go to the hospital, finishing up packing, calling my neighbor to come be with Jacob, changing the sheets, writing down last minute directions for Jacob. I was pretty excited because Keiki was coming in the next 24 hours. We tried to count contractions on line, but kept monkey braining. My best guess is that I was about 7 min apart, but we wanted to get to the hospital to make sure it was amniotic fluid, and because of the possibility of an emergency C-section.

Finally we got in the car and were on our way. It was 3:30 am, February 8, and Keiki was coming. Go Keiki, go!

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