Wednesday, February 17, 2010

All about the boob

God, I am such a sucker for good grades, even when I’m not the one taking the test. Yesterday Cody had his one week checkup and he’s doing swimmingly. After losing about 11 oz, he’s back above his birth weight and very alert. Dr. M said he’s like a one month old, and we don’t even have to do a 2 week visit!

This news warms the cockles of my heart, especially the weight gain. Since I’m breastfeeding, I have no idea how much is going into Cody’s body, so I am very happy to sustain his growth with my own body. Due to various complications, Jacob was a formula fed baby supplemented with breast milk, and good lord, was feeding high maintenance! Nipple shields, pumping, and this contraption involving a straw with formula taped to my boob to try and get him to feed made breastfeeding an incredibly frustrating and cumbersome process.

Then there was the work of formula: the cost, the constant bottle cleaning, making sure to pack it in the diaper bag. I spent hours with a lactation consultant who told me that while it was unlikely that I’d be able to fully breastfeed Jacob, I was laying the groundwork for number two. That advice is what motivated me to pump every hour, to drink Mother’s Milk tea, to take herbs and try to have patience with Jacob when he would scream as I tried to breastfeed him.

Cody latched on right away and is a champion eater, no nipple shield needed. I love that as long as we are together, my body is all he needs to get a solid meal, and he’s thriving. We had one rough night last week when we considered getting some formula so I could rest and heal, but I was able to push through, and I’ve been recovering really well. (Disclaimer: while it made sense for me and did not hinder my recovery, I am not an advocate for being a martyr.)

The biggest perk of all this? I have one less thing to worry about, and that gives me more energy to be a mom and enjoy my baby, and that sure feels good.

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