Wednesday, October 07, 2009


As we were driving to Target (diapers, Q-tips, toothbrush, baby toothpaste, Halloween decorations, Dino costume) today, Jacob was clearly getting hungry and picky. I reached into my Mama bag o tricks, and all I came up with was half of a Nature Valley Granola Bar and a package of dried apricots. Here's what went down:

Mama(offering a piece of granola bar): Granola bar?
Jacob takes the granola bar, then bursts into tears and gives it back. (I told you he was hungry)
Mama: Apricot?
Jacob looks skeptical and slowly palms the apricot
Mama: It's good, it's sweet.
Jacob: Sweet?
Mama: Yes, sweet. Have some.
Jacob: Cookie?
Mama: Yes, sweet, like a cookie.
Jacob: Cookie?
Mama: Yes, it's a cookie! Eat the cookie!
Jacob, satisfied that it is indeed a cookie, chewing: Mmm, pretty good.

Handel's "Messiah" plays in the soundtrack of my mind.

Sometimes as a parent, you feel really helpless. Other times, it's really fun to trick a 2 year old.

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