Wednesday, October 28, 2009

25 Weeks: Lessons In Moderation

While I am abstaining from Ritalin and coffee for the sake of Keiki the rutabaga, I do have chocolate and 2nd trimester energy. One of the side effects of this "regimen" is daily lessons in the benefits of moderation.

Last Friday, I worked from home. Working from home is one of the best ways to deal with my Monkey Brain, as I can unleash the beast of my MB to serve good. I had to send an e-mail to about 4,000 people, and include my contact information, so you can imagine the response that I got. While on the phone, I could pace my house (MB loovvvves pacing, or any activity, really) while on the phone, picking up toys, making the bed, folding laundry, physically occupying myself so that my brain could focus on the conversation at hand.

When not on the phone, I was going back and forth from my computer to other household tasks: changing the laundry, roasting veggies for lunch, preparing dinner. While to a normal person with a normal brain, this may seem somewhat chaotic, the chaos actually focuses me and I get more done than I would in the typical office environment.

Usually after a day like this, I’m a little tired, but I forgot about PREGNANCY TIRED. After I picked up Jacob, took him to the park and returned home, I was hit by a tsunami of tiredness; I actually understood the phrase “bone tired,” since my bones were saying, “What did you do to me, today?” and the rest of my organs was saying, “Don’t we have enough to do, what with all the baby growing we’re doing in here?!”

And I keep doing it. I feel energetic and burn through it all so that by the end of the day it’s all I can do not to hang my sleepy head and drool through the BART ride home. But it feels so good to move, to get stuff done, to cook, that I forget that my body is kind of doing a second job as it is. I’m learning, though. For a jumpy Monkey Brain, I can be a bit slow sometimes.

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