Monday, October 12, 2009

Monkey Brain

Things that make me feel fearless:
1. I’ve walked 60 miles in three days for breast cancer, the last three miles of which the feet of my skin were being ripped off by an athletic tape hatchet job.
2. I’ve labored for 26 hours.
3. I’ve lost more than 25% of my blood volume and lived to tell the tale with no need of transfusion.

And yet.

Here I stand at 6am, at the threshold to my bathroom, a cringing, cowering, blubbering mess of a girl, until I can squeak out “Helphelphelphelp!” until Josh comes in to kill the 1 cm spider who has caused such a ruckus.

Meanwhile, Jacob sees these creatures and says, “Oooh, spider! Cute.”

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