Sunday, December 06, 2009

Lessons from a Marriage, Vol. I

Ask most marrieds, smug, happy or miserable, and they'd probably agree that trust is one of the most important pieces of a good marriage.

So last night, when Josh said, "I'm going to cut Jacob's hair," I gave him the scissors and let him have at it. Oh the urge to Micro-mommy was strong, I tell you what, but I held back. I put aside the visions of Jacob looking like a Mr. Bigglesworth from Austin Powers in our Christmas pics, and went into another room.

The result? Short, very short. Maybe cut his hair dry next time short. But he's adorable, and Daddy did a very nice job.

To return the favor, Josh let me cut his hair this afternoon. Isn't one trust session enough?! But that's what marriage and parenting is all about, pushing through those comfort zones.

I am happy to say that Josh still has hair on his head and I did not snip off his ears, and my comfort zone is sufficiently stretched for one day.

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