Wednesday, December 02, 2009

26 Months

Dear Jacob,

You are 26 months today! In the last month, you have turned into quite the little despot. I mean, you are still your wonderful little self, but it's interesting to see your "Terrible Two" side come out in full force.

Lately you have been very vocal about your likes and dislikes, which usually takes the form of you pointing at the offending individual and saying, "Go Ober Dere!" I have mixed feelings about this. Sometimes it hurts my feelings. Sometimes I like it when you prefer Daddy, which leaves me time to read Us or People magazine undisturbed. And sometimes I am so proud of you for expressing yourself and demonstrating your needs. I'm still learning that and I'm 34 years old!

In a couple of months you are going to be a big brother, and instead of kissing Mama's belly, you will be kissing a real, live, floppy little thing. Just try not to bop it over the head like you did a couple of weeks ago with your baby cousin.

Back to the whole "terrible twos" thing. Nights are getting more difficult lately. I know you are hungry but you won't eat anything; what happened to my tofu, avocado loving baby? How can you not like chicken noodle soup? And the screaming when I don't allow you to watch Shrek? And the running away when we try to get you into the bath? Do you really want to be the kid at daycare who smells like pee pee? I know you are a speedy little thing, but we will always catch you, just so you know.

Somehow, through the pregnancy hormones and general tiredness I have managed to keep you safe and alive, despite your somewhat maddening behavior (just eat the damn veggie burger already!) That's because you are suddenly a kissing, cuddling snuggly little bear cub, leading Daddy and me on ghost chases, hiding under the covers, and loving your polar bear/drums pajamas. You steal my shoes so I can't go to work, but then you say, "Have a great day!" and give me the best hug in the world.

Please know that even if you think I'm being mean when I don't let you rot your brain by watching Kung Fu Panda on infinite repeat, I am always on Team Jacob.



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