Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pregnancy Dreams: 1 & 2

These aren't the first pregnancy dreams I've had, but this is the first time I'm logging these, and I like to count stuff.

Dream #1: The other night, I dreamed that Josh and I were separating. Now, status quo for my pregancies has been that he has the divorce dreams and I have dreams about dried up prune babies that I forget to feed for days on end, so this one shook me up.

In the dream, I said something like, "You know we haven't been getting along lately, why would you even want to be with me?" This is kind of true, since nausea and hormones haven't made me the most pleasant person to be around these days. All through the dream, I just thinking about how easy it was to get divorced while six months pregnant, and strategizing my next move without any emotion. WTF?

Dream #2 happened the same night as dream #1. Since I no longer sleep through the night, I usually remember a few dreams a night. Josh was kind of awake, and I mumbled, " I dreamed that we separated," before falling back asleep and dreaming of his death. Thanks hormones!!

So in Dream #2, Josh has a heart attack and dies, but somehow they revive him after he's been dead for a while. We then go on a plane, and my brother is there and asking if anyone has had a father die recently, so he can figure out what to say to Jacob. And I'm confused because I thought Josh was saved, but evidently it's just a brief reprieve and when the plane lands, he'll be dead again.

The plane lands and I'm trying to get all of our stuff together (I've somehow sat in 3 different seats during the flight) and get Jacob and his twin sister (instead of whatever is in mah belly) to my college dorm and I'm asking for help from friends that I haven't spoken with in over 5 years. Agh!

The upshot is that when I woke up all cranky today, I stayed by myself instead of releasing my evil pregnant twin on my sweet hubby.

Why Stoop?

You may be wondering why this blog is called The Stoop. And by you, I mean the 0 people who read this because I'm too afraid to actually let anyone know that I'm blogging. But by you, I also mean the potential readers who will be coming soon. Yeah, I read The Secret!

Anyway, I've always had a thing for stoops. During college and for a couple of years after, I spent way too many hours on stoops, smoking and watching the world pass by. I loved smoking and watching, having random conversations with people that only happened because I was sitting on the stoop.

My sophmore year of college (Eliot House, D entryway), my future friend P (entryway F? J? Can't remember) and I would often be on the same smoking schedule, each too shy to leave our stoops to introduce ourselves. I think that we each decided that the other was a snob, until we met at my 21st birthday party and pronounced ourselves friends. It was kind of like that syndrome where commuters spend years of their lives ignoring one another while standing side by side on the same track, but if they were to run into each other in Tokyo or something, they would greet each other warmly as they would an old college friend. Yeah, it was kind of like that.

Anyway, I love stoops. I love watching the world, and now I'm trying to take all the observations out of my head and see if anyone else finds them interesting. Hope it works.

Stage Dad?

We were in Target yesterday (maternity pants, graham crackers, CFLs, compost pail) and I sent Josh to look at the fan selection, since it was 2 million degrees in our house. Josh was lingering by these other customers in front of the fans, smirking, and whatever spousal telepathic message he was trying to send, I was not getting it.

He comes back and says, "That woman is a talent agent, talking to those kids over there. " He lingered a bit more, and then the "talent agent" comes up the aisle, and passes by, giving a polite smile at the wierd lurkers just hangin' in the home goods section like idiots. Josh decided that she was a total scam artist, because a real talent agent would have been struck by Jacob's Gerber baby looks. While I shrugged off his umbrage with a laugh, I was secretly very pleased by his reaction. It doesn't happen often, but I do love it when I'm not the crazy one.

Friday, August 28, 2009


No one told me that WALL-E was a horror movie. Granted, my reactions to anything at present may not be trusted due to preggo hormones, but Jeez, Pixar! It doesn't help that I just finished In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan, which hints at a similar future to WALL-E: mindless, obese blobs of human beings, eating chemicals (or dinner in a cup) more than food. Yikes. Well, Michael Pollan is based in Berkeley, and Pixar is in Emeryville, maybe they got together. . .


This doesn't diminish my love of all things Pixar, but I may have a couple of nightmares tonight.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I'm watching a Rachael Ray re-run with the guys from the Watchmen: Patrick Wilson, Billy Crudup and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I should be paying attention to their discussion, but all I can think about is how BC and JDM BOTH dated Mary-Louise Parker, but they seem to be getting along very well. I mean, wouldn't JDM hate BC after he left M-LP for Claire Danes, while she was PREGNANT?! I would, but then again I am pregnant and ready to hold a grudge. Man, those boys can act!