Sunday, March 07, 2010

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas? Oh no, dear Internet Reader, it's. . .Girl Scout Cookie Time!!

My favorite Girl Scout Cookie are the Samoas, which at some point were deemed politically incorrect and renamed Caramel deLites, and now they go by both names. Second are Thin Mints (DUH!), which are especially good frozen. I have stories dedicated to each cookie, and I'll post them later this week, but for today, I'd like to share my own brief experience with the Girl Scouts of America.

Actually, I never made it to full Girl Scout status; I pooped out after Brownies.  Pretty much all of my childhood pursuits ended in half assed Monkey Brainery (See: flute, viola, piano and acting lessons). I mean who are we kidding? I'm sure the focus and ability to finish stuff that is required to be a successful Girl Scout goes against the very heart of a Monkey Brain.

I think that I was so bad at Brownie-ing that I blocked everything out but the following:

First, Brownies met on Tuesdays. And it was on a Tuesday in third grade that I was wearing my Brownie uniform and my mom had to pick me up because I had lice (I blamed Smelly R, because obviously smelly boys also carried lice--DUH). Instead of going home, we went to the New Rochelle Mall, did some Christmas shopping and I got my picture taken with a particularly crazy-eyed Santa (I REALLY wish I had that picture!), whom I probably gave lice. Oops.

Second, I was a horrible cookie seller. Painfully shy and introverted, going door to door? And selling stuff? To strangers? Oh the panic. I'm pretty sure that some of my cookie-loving family members were my best customers. This was before the days of Girl Scouts setting up shop in front of the local Safeway where all they had to do was show their yummy wares and impulse shoppers like me are hooked. I sold cookies when we had to bring order forms to our neighbors, and remember to deliver the dang boxes. In the snow! Uphill both ways!


God bless Girl Scout Cookies and the United States of America! (And God bless the extra calorie burn of breastfeeding!)

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