Wednesday, September 30, 2009

21 Weeks: To sleep, perchance to. . .sleep?

Our little carrot is wreaking some big time havoc on my circadian rhythms. I’ve heard tell that the sleep interruptions that one experiences during pregnancy are Nature’s way of preparing you for the interruptions of a hungry, wet or cold newborn. That Nature, what a bitch! Shouldn’t we be stocking up on sleep?

Here is a sample of my nighttime routine as of late:
9:30-10 pm: get in bed curled around my trusty Snoogle, on one side or the other.
10:30 pm: Hopefully fall asleep
1:17 am: wake up, pee, return to bed, change sides
2:33 am: startle awake from pregnancy dream #3 (last night's was about hemorrhaging blood clots and IV bags, wtf?!), change sides
3:47 am: wake up once again, switch sides. Start to feel like a rotisserie chicken.
5:27 am: Cell phone alarm vibrates; hit 5 min snooze several times
5:45 am: Josh gets our 2 year old human alarm clock and plops him on our bed. After some hugs and pretending to sleep for 15.2 seconds, Jacob decides it is time for me to start my day: “Mama? Light on?”

With the exception of the human alarm clock, this situation is so not cool. This also may explain why at least once a week I come home and immediately pass out at 6 pm.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monkey Brain

I just read about Knut the German polar bear, and how he got smacked by his first encounter with another polar bear, a girl! According to the zookeeper, “It was as we expected it to be. Knut was very shy and the Munich bear was clearly the one wearing the dirndl.” Dirndl?! What the heck-a-dee-doodle is that? At first I thought it meant pants, as in “Well, we know who wears the dirndl in that family.” Silly Monkey Brain, sexism is so last season. Evidently, a Dirndl is a “maid’s dress.” I love it! You go girl (polar bear)!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monkey Brain

Am I the only sucker for any product that starts with the word "Artisanal"? It just makes anything sound special and schmancy pants. Artisanal cheeses, chocolates, soaps have us all paying a bit more, even in these economic times.

"I'll have the Artisanal toe jam, please." What? It's locally grown.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Why does 101 always slow down right around the Kehoe exit in San Mateo? Every time, north or south, regardless of the time of day it slows down at Kehoe and picks back up by the time you pass Burlingame. Is there an invisible traffic fairy there making us slow down and consider hanging out in San Mateo?

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I have had 54 profile views since February 2008; I'm pretty sure that 50 of them have been me. Boo Hoo. It might help if I actually told people that I'm doing this.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

20 Weeks: Freaking Out

I’ve been reading Mommy blogs, and it’s messing with my head. Yesterday I was reading some archives of a Mommy blogger writing about her newborn who wouldn’t nap, and all of a sudden I had a flashback to Jacob’s second month.

Jacob has always been a good sleeper, which I think of as Karma for what my body went through to get him into the world, and the six week aftermath (that’s all for a later post). However, his sleeping through the night at 7 weeks also meant that he was not the best napper in the world.

One day, Jacob woke up at 3:30 am and never went back to sleep. He would doze in my arms, but any time I tried to put him down in his Moses basket, he would start to scream. Josh’s school day ended at 3:05 pm and at 3:06, I called him and as soon as he picked up with phone, I didn’t even bother with hello: “Jacob has been up since 3:30 am.” He came straight home, thank God, and that was the worst day for a while. While I remembered this incident, I am only now revisiting what that felt like, that mixture of exhaustion, fear, frustration with this little being, and guilt about being frustrated with a little baby who didn’t know how to let himself fall asleep.

It might have helped to think about these things before getting pregnant, huh? But maybe that’s some sort of evolutionary thing to help us have subsequent children. I know that I can do this, but I’m having some visions of my poor future 2 ½ year old having to deal with psycho-mama and baby who won’t sleep.

Erm, Universe? I’d like my denial back please. PLEASE?!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monkey Brain

You know what's a funny word? "Hoobastank." I dare you to say it and not smile.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Bend it like Keiki

More and more, Keiki is making his/her presence known. For the last day or two, I’ve been feeling bigger movements. Keiki’s kicks are now more in line with the feeling of having a reflex hammer drumming me from the inside. Freaky!!

Evidently Keiki is now the size of a large, heirloom tomato. I like the fact that my kid not only resembles a piece of fruit, but locally grown, sustainable fruit at that; how very Bay Area!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sex? Or no Sex?

It’s almost here, the 20 WEEK ULTRASOUND. This is the big one, when you get a real good look at your kid, and can find out the sex (What did you think the title meant? Dirty birdie. . .). I keep saying that I don’t want to know this time, but I am very bad with anticipation, so we’ll see. I really don’t care about the sex, either one will suit our family just fine. The not-knowing is just one more thing to savor for (most likely) my last pregnancy.

This is very different from how I felt with Jacob. I wanted to know everything, probably thinking that knowledge provides control. The craziness of his birth and the next 6 weeks (that's another post) pretty much broke me of that thinking, so this time around I’m a bit calmer. All I need to do is get through about 20 min tomorrow and I should be okay, but let me tell you, that Monkey Brain of mine is pretty unpredictable, so I may cave. Luckily, Josh will be there and can be the rational one.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's all good

So we're all hanging out on our bed after work, letting Mama (that's me!) recover from the 75 minute, nausea-inducing commute. All of a sudden, Jacob stands up, grabs my curling iron from the headboad/shelf (not sure how that got there, but maybe the little ham stored it there just for this purpose), holds it up like a microphone and starts singing "I like to move it," EXACTLY like the the Will.I.Am version from Madagascar. It's like he's CHANNELING Moto Moto the hippo. Then, just like that, Jacob is back and offers the curling iron: "Dosh turn? Mama turn?"

He's not even TWO!

How does he know how to do a fake microphone? How?

When Josh and I were on our honeymoon in Kauai, we spent one day ziplining with a group of people that included a man with his two teenage sons. At one point, we were talking to the father, asking him what it was like raising two boys. He looked us in the eye and said, "It's all good. Every age is great." Later on, Josh and I realized we both had had the same thought, Cancer survivor. I know, it's pretty cynical to think that anyone with that rosy of an outlook must have faced death. Now, we are eating our words, our hats, some crow, a piece of humble pie, and some foot for good measure because Kauai Man, you are so right. It's all good. Every age is great.

19 Weeks: Letter to my body

Dear Self,

This may sound critical, but please filter my complaints through the lens of hormones and know that I am so appreciative that you are protecting and growing a living human being, which is hard work! Overall, you are doing a great job, but there are a couple of bones that I'd like to pick with you.

Bladder: Dude, your behavior is SO not cool. Please stop messing with me. I keep running to the bathroom, convinced I’m about to pee myself, only to find that there are 2, maybe three tablespoons of liquid ready to come out. This is unprofessional (running and/or peeing myself at work) and needs to stop. If this is retaliation because I'm a bit dehydrated, I’m trying to get over the fact that water makes me gag.


Boobs: Ladies, it’s time to slow down. I’m serious here. I’ll focus on laying of the chocolate Riesen at work if you please stop growing. This is not a race, and if it were, you win.

Belly: You, my friend, are doing just fine. Keep on growing so people stop thinking that I’m cultivating a drinking problem and realize that I am pregnant, not a bloated alcoholic. Sorry, that was the self conscious hormones talking. Seriously, I like it when you get big and round, so keep up the good work!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

RIP Patrick Swayze: 1952-2009

I am sad about Patrick Swayze. I’m not devastated, though. I’m not River Phoenix Sad. I never had a huge crush on Patrick, but he was kind of like the big older brother to my childhood crushes.

My friend Bird and I pretty much spent most of third grade watching The Outsiders. It feels like we watched that movie at her house 2-3 times each week during the spring and summer of 1984. Sure, there were other activities in which we engaged: playing "Office" in our favorite tree outside of church, pretending to be Ewoks, swim team. We always came back to those boys; “Pony Boy” in particular. We both had it bad for C. Thomas Howell (we’re talking My Secret Admirer watched 20 times bad). And while “Darry” (Patrick’s Character, just in case you have been living under a rock for almost 30 years) was kind of a hard ass, we knew that he loved those boys, and we loved him as we loved our own older siblings. I’m not C. Thomas Howell Sad, but I’m older-brother-of-the-cute-boy-down-the-street Sad.

Another seminal (for me) Swayze flick is Dirty Dancing. This was the first movie that I pretty much memorized. And while it came out in eighth grade, it was strong enough to provide the foundation (along with Pretty Woman) of my college friendship with Rufus, which is 15 years old and counting. Of course, she and I found other things to solidify our bond, but lines like “. . .or ‘What do the Simple Folk Do’? Or, ‘I Feel Pretty’? What do you think Daddy?” and “Nobody puts Baby in a corner,” got us pretty far down the path to lifelong friendship. I even have a pair of Dirty Dancing socks from the resort where the movie was shot. Thanks Rufus!

Oh, Patrick. You are missed, but I will drive down to my local Movie Groove and get me some Dirty Dancing tonight.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Perfect Sunday

I met our friends for brunch while Jacob napped and Josh watched the Vikings (Bret Farve!!). This meant I could actually eat and converse instead of the usual tag-team wrangling that Josh and I do these days when we go out.

After brunch, the husbands and kids went back to our house while my friends S, L &I got pedicures. We had a nice relaxing time catching up and getting rubbed, buffed and polished to perfection. Seriously, I can’t stop staring at my toes; I almost walked into a post this morning!

I’ve been friends with these ladies since college, almost 15 years! It was a nourishing time, spent with friends who know my history, and vice versa, so little explanation is needed. It reminds me that I need to work more of that into our lives somehow. Many of my close friends are on the East Coast, and while I don’t want to move across the country, I can get a little starved for this kind of camaraderie without even realizing it.

After the pampering was complete, we returned home and watched the kids wrestle on the bed, run around, joyfully livening up our house. We ended the play date with some “Jamba Juice”: banana-frozen blueberry-rice milk smoothies for all (God bless the Magic Bullet!). Suddenly the noise stopped due to the “Jamba Train”: the three tots silently filed out of the kitchen to find a spot to sip their special treats.

I loved watching the kids play together. They’ve been around each other, and are similar ages (H is almost 4, M just turned 2, and Jacob will be 2 in October), but this was the most they’ve interacted, and it was fun to see. It makes me even more excited for Keiki’s arrival, and hopeful that Jacob and his sibling will get along, and in a couple of years they will be wrestling on the bed and forming their own Jamba Train.

We ended the day with Jacob/Mama time while Josh went to work for a few hours: Sesame Street, Jack Hanna's Wild Kingdom, banging pots in the kitchen, a bath, and a few readings of Scooby Doo. I made a Rachel Ray pasta dish with the last of our neighbor's tomatoes that Josh and I ate in front of the tv and went to bed early. The dishes were done, the house was relatively clean, and I didn't think about work one bit.

All in all, a loverly day.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I loved making dioramas in grade school. Do they even do that anymore? Jacob kind of likes to make dioramas too.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Monkey Cook: The preggo Arnold Palmer

Decaf Black Tea (I use Lipton)
Powdered lemonade (such as Country Time)

Make a cup of tea and let it steep for a couple of minutes. Add an ice cube or two to the tea.

Fill a large cup with ice halfway. Add the tea and fill the rest of the cup with water.

Add a spoonful of the lemonade powder, stir, and enjoy

This drink is especially good if you are pregnant and water makes you gag.

Monkey Cook: PB&J Sundae

Vanilla ice cream
Barbara's Bakery Peanut Butter Puffins cereal
Trader Joe's blueberry sauce
Whipped cream (optional)

layer the first three ingredients (amts vary to taste and whether or not you are hungry or just had a bad day) and fold them with a spoon so that you get a nice mix of sweet cream, savory crunch and berry goodness.

Monkey Brain

So the Stoop post from below doesn’t really make sense now that I’m calling this blog Monkey Brain. So why Monkey Brain? Someone once told me that Monkey Brain is a term that the Chinese use when talking about Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). And hey, that’s me! I’m a mix of ADD/HD (hyperactive). Usually I’m the quiet dreamy type, but I definitely have my hyper moments. And even if the brain chemistry weren’t there, the toggling back and forth between raising a toddler and growing a new baby is enough to make you feel ADD, am I right Mamas? Not to mention marriage, work, and that never ending pile of laundry.

So this blog may cover a variety of subjects, whatever my ADDled brain may come up with in a given week. I’ll try to give it some structure as time goes on, but for right now, I’m trying to just write and see where it goes.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Use your words!

Josh and I were having trouble sleeping the other night, and instead of counting sheep, we started to log Jacob’s vocabulary. This all started with my weekly e-mail from, which said that at his age, he should be using about 50-75 words, and would increase markedly around age two. Convinced that his vocabulary has already exploded, we started to count, and within minutes were drifting off. Here’s what we came up with:

Mama, Daddy, Josh, Caitlin, Uncle, Dan, Jamie, Ariella, JoJo, Pop Pops, Nana, Sabba D, Noor, Daniel, Ben, how about, bath, markers, pooh, tigger, honey, bear, book, read it, bug hair (from when he had lice, which I’ll get to in another post), bunny, calf, car, cereal, chair, Cheerios, cheese, chocolate milk, crackers, draw, choochoo, football, Bret Farvre (don't ask), new diapert, open door, Dory, Nemo, dvd, fish, eyes, feet, hands, nose, Obama head (yes, we have an action figure of Obama, but his "hair" always falls off), grapes, help with this, horse, neigh, I want, Kenai, Koda, light, movie, my turn, no, yes, Nicole, Tyler, out, outrĂ©, owie, panda, Po, Shi Fu, Tai Lung, Tigress, Mantis, Monkey, Viper, snake, tiger, leopard, oh, paper, parrot, noodle, penguin, pig, piglet, polar bear, yucky poo poo, quail, Grover, Big Bird, Abby, Zooey, Street, share, shoes, sorry, stroller, train, truck, tv, zebra, lion cub, cheetah, jaguar, finger puppet, Micky Mouse, oopies (oops), bed, c’mon, come out, night night, sleeping, Baloo, Mowgli, Monsters Inc., scary, dinosaur, hot dog, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, Evelyn, Eileen, Bella, Anne Perry, thank you, please, cinqo, ocho, baby, sister, brother, Keiki, belly button, tickle, birdie, airplane, Cookie Monster, Elmo, Ernie, Bert, wiggle, cookie-rocka (Madagascar). . . oh, you get the picture, right?

Have I mentioned that I like to count stuff?

Hollywood, here we come!

You may remember my previous post about Josh's erm, Stage Daddiness. Well, maybe he's not so off base after all.

Today, Jacob was pointing into his diaper bag and saying, "Dat's Jay-cob!" over and over again. I was completely baffled, since there were no photos in the bag, and whenever Jacob notes something, no matter how esoteric, he's right. For example, you may be in a store, and he'll shout "Rhino!" even though you are in Trader Joe's, not the African savannah. But then you'll see a tiny rhino on a box of cereal or something and think, holy crap, eagle-eyed Jacob has struck again.

Back to the photo-less diaper bag sitting in my kitchen. "Dat's Jay-cob! Dat's Jay-cob! Dat's Jay-cob!"

I'm stumped.

In walks Daddy to save the day. "Yes, that's Jacob," he says while showing me the tag on a burp cloth in Jacob's bag.

It's the Gerber Baby.

18 Weeks: Tiny Bubbles

There’s a bit of Jacuzzi action going on in my belly, and I’m pretty sure that these are Keiki’s (placeholder until #2 makes his/her debut) first flutters. This must seem like a weird analogy, but it’s the best I can do. It really feels like bubbles or pins and needles rippling up my belly. For a while this morning, I kept thinking it was something else, because it feels more towards the outside, but maybe it’s just a ripple effect from Keiki’s tiny kicks from down below.

This is when the baby part of pregnancy starts to get real for me. I’ve had daily reminders of the alien invasion that is going on, but once the kid starts moving, it’s like they are communicating with me. This is my favorite part of pregnancy, the unspoken conversations that go on, which may (MOM, PLEASE stop with the spicy food!!) or may not (Hiccup!) mean anything.

The best is towards the end of pregnancy, when you can “wrestle”: knuckle into your baby and watch them writhe around, the outline of an elbow or hand changing the topography of your belly in a cool/scary sci-fi way, whoo boy!

Pregnancy Food(s) of the Week:

Apples: Jacob pregnancy flashback. I spent a couple of weeks during the summer of 2007 devouring pre-cut apples until I became suddenly disgusted by them. Right now, I’m enjoying their crisp, watery sweetness, while feeling some guilt that the organic Fugi that I just ate had to travel all the way from New Zealand to satisfy my preggo craving.
Oranges: Normally I hate orange juice and oranges, or at least am very picky about my citrus. Now, I’m eating 1 quartered orange/day. And they MUST be cold. Baby is very picky about da juice.
Turkey sub: this is another Jacob pregnancy flash back. I had a 6” turkey from the Caltrain station Subway several times a week before my commute home. I also had one every Sunday at about 2:30 pm while Josh and I visited open houses. This time around, I take BART from San Francisco and transfer to Caltrain, so no Subway. However, the other day I did my old commute and that turkey sub (wheat bread, lettuce, tomato, pickle, Swiss, red wine vinegar) was the best thing I have eaten all week.

What’s Not:
Beef Jerky: I thought it would appeal to my protein cravings, but it was like trying to eat a leather belt.
Organic Lemonade: Sorry Michael Pollan, it’s preservatives or bust for this kid.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

23 months!

Today is Jacob's 23 month birthday. So what do supergenious dream baby almost two year olds do to celebrate?

Poop in the bath.

It's kind of like a big potty, right?

17 Weeks: Life in the Chocolate Factory

My high school roommate, J, scared me off acid by telling me that a little bit would always remain in my spinal cord and potentially cause birth defects. (That's me, a good mama at 16!)

However, pregnancy is kind of an acid trip in itself. Case in point? I’m morphing into a 1971 movie character.

Exhibit A: Due to the nausea, I am constantly chewing cinnamon gum.

Exhibit B: My hands randomly turn blue/purple. My doctor says this is totally normal. Okkayyyyyy. . .

Exhibit C: My body (between my neck and my hips) is expanding like a balloon in a very uncomfortable manner. Definitely not like those cute pregnant ladies who look like they swallowed a small basketball.

Basically, I’m turning into Violet Beauregarde.