Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monkey Brain

7 am, working from home, a conversation in my head:

Self, while logging onto VPN and code changes: Dang it!
Monkey Brain: What’s that?
Self: I HATE it when my RSA code changes in the middle of logging onto VPN!
MB: You know what?
Self: What?
MB: Your epinerdis is showing! (wild hoots of monkey laughter)
Self: My wha?
MB: Your epiNERDis! Like Epidermis, but NERD? Get it? Get it? (more cackles)

Between the ages of 6 and 10, my brother Ben (now that he’s on the Internet, I’m using his full name) told me, “Hey, your epidermis is showing,” about 999 times, and EVERY time I fell for it! And to think, it only took 13 more years to get a diagnosis of ADD. Oh look, a shiny object!

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