Wednesday, December 16, 2009

32 Weeks: Jicama Baby, One More Time

I know, citizen's arrest, Pun Police. I just couldn't help myself.

Over the last two days, I've been hit with a tsunami of third-trimesterness like nobody's business. I went for a 20 min walk with a co-worker at lunch yesterday, and had a tight, painful belly for the rest of the day, completely worthless by the time I got home. Also, during my afternoon meeting, Keiki had what felt like a demonstration of Elaine Bennes' dance moves, only at hyper speed, causing me to exclaim and freak out my fellow meeting attendees. Keiki is kicking like mad and getting hiccups (which is still cool and not yet annoying), head-butting my cervix and causing lots of chaos in my belly.

I feel woozy and exausted, and right now it feels like I could pass out, but I'm not that sleepy. This does not bode well because I have 8 more weeks, and I need to rally somehow. I haven't exercised since last Sunday, so I'm hoping to get to the pool and get some energy back.

Right after I typed this last sentence, when I thought I might fall face first onto the keyboard, Jacob ran into the room, freshly escaped from the bath and his towel-wielding father, completely naked.

"Naked little boy!" I said.
"Naked little boy! Naked little boy!" he aped as he climbed onto the snuggler to greet me. Recaptured and burritoed into a towel by Daddy, he cried out, "Bye Mama! See ya tomorrow!" and I feel like a car battery that's been given a jump start. Thank Heaven, for little toddlers.

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